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It happens all the time.

To every kid at any time.

It already happened once,

Again with an aggressive trance.



Words can hurt, make me feel sad,

Even though I’ve done nothing bad.

Words can hurt, they hurt me the most,

Even if it starts like a joke or boast.



Think your cool when you call me a name,

Because your friends think I’m really lame.

Sticks and stones may break my bone,

Is it because I’m not really known?



Words can hurt, make me feel sad,

Even though I’ve done nothing bad.

Words can hurt, they upset me.

Why can't you just let me be.



I may not be the most popular,

But I’ve got a heart, even if I’m a commoner.

You may think I’ve cried,

But my tears have never lied.

To a kid just like you!



Words can hurt, make me feel sad,

Even Though I’ve done nothing bad.

Words can hurt, they upset me.

Why can't you just let me be.

Oh words can hurt!

Words can hurt... +2

Words can hurt...

A Poem To All

by Liam Duggan

YR 10

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